Come down to Josephine’s or Revival anytime between November 18th and December 20th to pick up some shoe boxes to fill up for a local grandparent. For those of us who are blessed with family and friends help us love on our elderly community and grandparents who might be alone this season. We want to show them some extra love and attention with a gift box created by you. Please returned your gift boxes to either Jo’s or Revival by December 20th with a hand written Christmas card by you or your kids. Boxes will be given to Retsil Veterans Home, other elderly home care facilities, and charities in the area. The following is a list of items many residence need and would be great to fill or include alongside your box!
Word searches, crossword puzzles, 100-500 piece puzzles, playing cards.
Art & Writing Supplies
Coloring books, crayon, colored pencils, pens, stationary, stamps, envelopes.
warm slippers or socks with grip, t-shirts
lip balm, lotion, deodorant, hair combs, brushes, nail polish
Cozy Items
blankets, stuffed animals
whole grain crackers, granola bars, dried fruit, rice cakes, cookies, crackers with cheese or peanut butter, mints and chocolate (preferably sugar free candy)
Thank you for loving our community as much as we do with your generosity! Generosity doesn’t have to be monetary. We hope you all experience an abundance (of love, time, joy, etc.) this season and whatever that abundance is you are able to share it with others!